Sunday, December 18, 2005

Reflections of this year( part 1)

Reflections of this yr (part 1)

Spend the whole day nua-ing at home. Don't want to do anything and too broke to do anything too. Have to curb my spending if not I will be spending the remaining holidays at home.

Just asked a few chaps to play bball tml and the response is not bad. But then there's this particular yeng hoe who is so wishy washy. Can't stand ppl that are so indecisive. If you want to play just say okay. Don't need to ask this ask that. It's a complete WASTE of time and sms. If I can't find enough ppl, I will tell you so what's there to worry? Heard from other ppl that asking you is like asking gal to go out like that. Don't think you are like that in the past. What has nus done to you? You shd buck up on your social etiquette. Anyway don't think you are reading this. If you happen to know this blog then let this be a reminder to you.

Well end of yr is nearing but what have I done in this yr? Quite a fruitful year. Update me if I forgot some events. Part 1:

The start of 2005. Had a 21st bday celebration with close frens from everywhere. May it be pri,sec,jc or outside frenx. Truly enjoy their company.
Deaparture for NZ army trip for 3 wks. Before the trip, the feeling wasn't good as I was one of the few ones who are chosen to go on an exercise before ORD. During the trip, the feeling had changed and the exercise ground is beautiful.Compared to local exercise gound, this is motivating. Their army camp feels liek a chalet. Get to tour around the city of auckland and learn more about their lifestyle. Definitely an eye-opener.

Clearing off and leave mostly. Back in camp for some stupid stuff only. Other than that is adapting back to civilian world.

Double happiness. ORD lor. Receive my 'lost' pink ic. Shortly after that, I receive my driving licence on my first attempt. Rejoice!!!

Busy working at nus. Actually not busy but this is the most slack job that I ever done. Spend time knowing more people in NUSSU. Know this 16 yr-old kid who claimed that he could slam and a few babes from the singtel booth side.

Still working but not at nus anymore. Had a few short-term jobs before working at Standard Chartered. Life became routine but the pay was good. However not as slack as the job before.

Still at Standard Chartered. However the bank shifted to tampiness and so I decided to resign. Spend rest of the time contributing to sg's economy.$$$

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