Thursday, March 23, 2006

Campigning against ntu??

Campaigning against NTU??

I believe lots of ppl must have received this mail by now. And now he even make it to the Strait Times. I wonder how will NTU react to such student or live with it? Or perhaps this may start the trend of openly protest against whatver grievances they might have. Regardless they are your employers or the society itself. Well, we should applaud his courgeous act. Singaporeans are afterall conservative and will just accept any grievances that might come in their way without voicing them out. And well, Im guilty of it too.

An email extract:

Dear student,

Do you need a course instructor that can speak proper English?

The purpose of this email is to looking for committee members and other interested party to form an informal committee to deal with the school regarding all issues that students think is important to solve. Please delete this email if you are here just to study. I am looking for people who want to improve the university system. I am looking for those with courage and willing to spent time to do something extremely meaningful. I need real man and ladies who have great leadership. There is no certificate given to committee members and also no pay for you. This is an event after the exam. (Hence it wouldn’t affect your study.)

We might be organizing large scale protest to gain awareness. Delete it if you only care your own business.

Disclaimer: This in not an email initiates an agenda to overthrow the student union or any other illegal action.

Dear students,

Now we shall proceed with the email.
Yes we have been passive for many years; we are brought up in this kind of environment. Yes, our school is doing quite well in the world. We are rank 48. I hope you are very happy with it.

Yet, there is some question to think about.

We have been asking for course instructor that can speak proper English!

Are we asking too much from the school? Hey we are the customer of the university. I am a scholar (I am not trying to show u how good I am as a scholar), I don’t pay the tuition fees, But think about those who pay their tuition fees, when tuition fees is raising, yet year after year, the lecturer (who cant speak proper English) that we keep complaining is still teaching, how you feel? what is the reason behind it?

What if my lecturer is a noble prize winner who cannot speak proper English, do I learn from him?

When we want more places in special semester, the school has not enough resources, yet they are buying chairs that price SGD2000 a piece.

What if I can get goodies bags, free ice creams, free T-shirt, free this free that, yet the union have no power over important issues.

And more and more issue are to be discuss…

I am proposing to have a group of student with great leadership to come together to form a committee to deal with the school.

Time and money are expected to be spent. Nothing can be claim back. We do not have grant here. It might be the 1st time in history of NTU that student can deal with school in a serious and legal way.

We are dealing with your problem. Think about it, are you satisfied with the university system? There should be a man(it could be a woman as well, I am not discriminating female) to stand out to lead the students to claim a stake in the university. We want to be consult for important university decision.

Student, what are you waiting? Stand up and fight for your consumer rights or you will be given low quality education for your years here. Be confused in the lecture by not understanding the English your lecturer use or stand up and speak up, the choice is yours.

For more information, reply to this email or contact me at 91522700.

I know I do not use good English, please don’t call me or reply to me and tell me this. That is why I need you here!



2nd Year Student
(Design Specialisation)
Nanyang Technological University
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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